Optrex Eye Wash 110ml
Optrex Eye Wash with Eye Bath washes, soothes and cleanses tired and uncomfortable eyes.
- Washes, soothes, and cleanses
- Washes away particles to cleanse the eyes
- Is specially designed to soothe tired and uncomfortable eyes
- Contains natural plant extracts
- Suitable for everyday use
- Unique Flexiseal eye bath, specially designed to fit comfortably against the eye to help prevent leakage.
Contains Distilled witch hazel 13% and Benzalkonium Chloride 0.005% as a preservative.
Optrex Multi Action Eye Wash comes with a single eye bath for application.
Ensure your hands are clean and dry and the bottle's seal is intact.
Pour the wash into the eye bath until it's about a third full. Bend your head forward, holding the eye bath by its base.
Place the eye bath over your eye and slowly raise your head with your eye open, so wash flows into it.
Gently rock your head from side to side for at least 30 seconds.
If the eye bath is likely to be used by more than one person it is a sensible precaution to sterilise it by boiling it in water.
- For serious eye problems or if irritation develops with use, speak to your doctor, pharmacist or optician.
- Do not use whilst or just before wearing soft contact lenses.
- Keep out of the reach of children.
- Keep Optrex Eye Wash in a cool, dry place.
- Store below 25 degrees Celsius.
- Protect from direct sunlight.
- Discard 3 months after first opening.
- Do not return used Eye Wash to the bottle.
Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist or you have side effects see your healthcare professional.